R 142003Z DEC 21 FM COMCOGARD PSC WASHINGTON DC TO ALCGRSV BT UNCLAS ALCGRSV 074/21 SUBJ: RESERVE COMPONENT MANAGER (RCM) ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2022 (AY22) SHOPPING LISTS UPDATE - 3 A. COMCOGARD PSC WASHINGTON DC 25 JUN 21/ALCGRSV 032/21 1. Please note the following updates to the RCM officer shopping lists. DEPT NAME POSN NBR JOB TITLE a. Commander (1) Additions: None (2) Deletions: None b. Lieutenant Commander (1) Additions: PSU 308 LOGISTICS DEPT (SEE NOTE 1) 00041717 LOGISTICS DEPT HD-FTS NOTE 1: Position being resolicited to include Lieutenants with either three years time-in-grade by Summer 2022 or that have prior PSU experience. (2) Deletions: None c. Lieutenant (1) Additions: COMMANDANT (CG-R81) 19379880 RESERVE MEASURES/ANALYSIS-FTS (2) Deletions: None d. Lieutenant Junior Grade (1) Additions: None (2) Deletions: None 2. Assignment points of contact: a. O-5/O-4 RCM assignments: CDR Andrew Younkle, Andrew.R.Younkle@uscg.mil, (202) 795-6501. b. O-3 & below RCM assignments: LCDR Cecilia Williams, Cecilia.R.Williams@uscg.mil, (202) 795-6517. 3. CAPT Michael W. Batchelder, Chief CG PSC-RPM, sends. 4. Internet release is authorized. BT #0001 NNNN